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Ella Kellogg - Work Hard and Give Everything

TS -This has been one of the most challenging years for everyone. One of the best things about athletics and training is about meeting and overcoming challenges. How has being a lifelong athlete, and all of your time in the weight room helped you overcome this year's frustrations?

EK- I think being able to connect with my teammates on and off the field has helped me get through this challenging time. It's definitely been challenging to stay fit and in shape not knowing whether we have a normal season or not, but knowing how much time I put in, to get into a season pre covid, I knew I was capable.

TS - Rewind the clock a year and COVID just forced the nation to close up and before you knew it lacrosse wasn't a thing for your junior year. How has that affected your anticipation of this season and your hunger to compete?

EK - It definitely was disappointing losing that entire season and not getting a chance to even practice. So coming into this season I've just been super excited because it feels like I haven't played lacrosse in forever.

TS - One of the things people don't realize losing a season has an impact on, is how leadership is developed and handed down. You're going right from sophomore to senior. What do you do to build those relationships with now sophomores and juniors that you didn't get to play with last year?

EK - I have been fortunate enough to have played other sports with most of them so that has definitely helped build trust in each other. But it is tough because a lot of my teammates I don't even see in school, so on the first day of tryouts I was meeting some of them for the first time. At practice every day I try to group up in different groups to get to know these new teammates.

TS - I know both basketball and soccer weren't the years you probably imagined. We coach players to really value "the moment," and the journey more than the end result. What positive memories stick with you from these seasons?

EK - The bonds are a lot stronger because we all don't know when the last time we could play together will be, and we are all fortunate enough to be playing. So I loved how hard we all worked every practice, and how fun it was, because it all could be taken away so fast. I think this lead up to our undefeated season in basketball which is so awesome to be a part of.

TS - You've trained here for several years now. I think a lot of people don't realize that many of the female athletes here are as strong or stronger than many of the males on a barbell. I've watched you routinely deadlift 200 lbs and hang power clean over 100 for multiple reps. How does that feel? Any impact to your confidence when you step on the court/field?

EK - It does make me feel really good to feel strong, going every week to work out, pushing myself to do more weights. As I step onto the field i feel that some may underestimate how strong I may be. I know that I can compete at a high level.

TS - You are rarely not involved in sports but putting that aside, what does the perfect day look like for you?

EK - Getting up early in the morning and going to the beach for sunrise then later on hiking the whites mountains of Maine with my dogs, then finishing the day with a sunset

TS - Rumor has it you're going to Temple University. What excites you most about traveling outside of Maine? What will you miss the most?

EK - Although I have not officially dedicated yet, I'm most excited about experiencing something new and learning new things about the state, wherever I go to college. Maine doesn't have one of those big cities so it will definitely be different. I think I will miss being able to leave my house and be at the hiking trail within 30 minutes or less.

TS - If you could go back in time and give young Ella any advice that you now know impacted you what would you say?

EK - I would tell myself to work harder and give everything. And to have a goal set in place so I can work towards it, giving myself more opportunities than I have today.



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